Everyone loves freshly whitened teeth. Whether performed professionally as a cosmetic dental treatment by a Houston dentist or at home using a teeth whitening kit, teeth whitening can significantly improve your smile. Teeth whitening can be costly, so you need to do as much as possible to maximize the longevity of the results.
One thing you can do to maintain your teeth whitening is to avoid certain foods and drinks. They include:
- Coffee
If you enjoy drinking coffee in the morning or during the day, this might not be good news for you. Coffee is among the most prevalent tooth-staining substances and could be the reason you considered seeking a teeth-whitening service in the first place.
If you can’t resist using coffee, add milk and use a straw to reduce the coffee’s staining effect. Besides, reduce the amount you consume to not more than two cups since staining increases with the more cups you take.
- Chocolate
Think of the color of your tongue after eating dark chocolate. You risk staining your teeth the same way. Studies have revealed that dark chocolate is a potent antioxidant that can help cure heart disease and lower blood pressure. However, it can still ruin your just-whitened smile. You don’t have to eliminate dark chocolate from your diet entirely; just ensure to avoid it during the first week.
- Acidic Foods
Avoiding acidic foods after teeth whitening can prevent pain and sensitivity after the first few days. The bleaching agents used during the teeth whitening procedure can weaken your tooth enamel for a short period. Acidic foods include limes, oranges, pickles, and lemons.
- Curry
Curry may be tasty, but it can stain your newly whitened teeth. Not only are curies color-wise and highly saturated, but they are acidic. The yellow color is a result of turmeric. Eating curry will give your teeth the same brilliant yellow stain left on your pans and pots after cooking curry foods. The best way to prevent the staining effect of curry is by eating lettuce and balsamic vinegar.