Common dental problems in children include tooth decay, dental trauma, halitosis, lip and tongue ties, sensitive teeth, premature loss of baby teeth, and orthodontic problems. The best way to prevent tooth decay is to practice good oral hygiene and attend regular dental appointments. Eat a diet low in sugar and avoid frequent snacking to reduce cavity risk.
If your child plays contact sports, wearing a mouthguard can reduce their risk of oral injuries. Halitosis is a foul breath odor caused by bacteria that produces sulfur. This is usually caused by poor oral hygiene and a dental cleaning can improve this.
If your child has sensitive teeth, this could be because they naturally have thin or sensitive teeth or it could be a sign of an oral health problem like a cavity. Get this checked, reduce exposure to hot and cold foods, and use toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
When teeth are lost too soon, we will place a space maintainer in your child’s mouth to prevent the teeth from drifting and blocking the eruption of the permanent tooth. Your child should get an orthodontic screening by age 7 to catch early warning signs of orthodontic issues. This allows us to treat things early and prevent the need for more invasive options later down the road. Call us today to learn more!